Expect joins Fnatic’s League of Legends team roster as a substitute

One of the giants in the European LCS scene, Fnatic, has just announced they will be bringing Expect on to join the team’s roster as a substitute.

Fnatic has shown to continue their strong performance in this 2018 EU LCS Summer split, currently one of two top teams heading into Week 8. However, their dominance in the scene is not as strong compared to the previous splits, where they were able to almost always steam roll the other teams. With this EU LCS split being so close, change is necessary if Fnatic wish to remain as Europe’s top team.


Expect mainly gained recognition in the pro scene with his time in G2 Esports, another giant in the EU LCS scene. While Expect since the start of his pro career has been signed as his team’s starting top laner, Fnatic has brought on Expect as their substitute player. According to a facebook statement by Fnatic’s official page, Expect has been signed in order to help the team with their Korean boot camp. This is a great deal for both parties, Fnatic getting a Korean speaker to help them improve in Korea along with his expertise, while Expect gets further ties with a top team in the EU LCS. Overll, Fnatic’s decision to sign Expect to further their own standing is a great call. Expect’s track record in the professional scene is outstanding, while his most recent team Origen did not go too well in the Spring split, they were still able to take first in the EM 2018 Spring Main Event. It is unlikely Expect’s entry to Fnatic will cause any synergy problems that foreign players usually encounter considering he has been a part of the EU LCS scene since 2016.

It has been speculated by many that Soaz will be leaving Fnatic by the end of the 2018 EU LCS Summer season. Expect’s move to the team furthers speculation, as sOAZ was previously the only top laner in Fnatic’s roster. It unlikely Expect will substitute Soaz before the end of the year / the end of the season.

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