With the LCS resuming action later this month, here are our jungle player rankings for the 2024 Summer Split.
Photo Credit: Robert Paul/Riot Games
Contractz was the great surprise of the 2023 season. Even though he wasn’t the flashiest player, the NRG jungler always found himself at the right place and at the right time to make the plays happen. He doesn’t have the highest carry potential as a jungle player, but he’s one of the best talents in the LCS, and we should expect him to deliver good performances on the roster, especially if early-game champions continue to be relevant in the meta.
After a strong spring split, the Polish jungler had a somewhat disappointing run at MSI, showing some performances below expectations.
With the change in the mid lane, we should expect him to find new synergy with the new player, hoping it helps out. The jungle meta might be in his favor with several strong jungle carries: we’ll see whether FlyQuest will let him take that responsibility.
An all-rounded player with situational peaks is the best way I would describe River. He rarely messes up, making him one of the most consistent junglers in the LCS. And on top of that, he has shown a more diverse champion pool compared to others on this list. While 100 Thieves didn’t look like front-runners at the start of the season, River was still the type of player to take a squad up a notch and put it in a top four finish.
UmTi proved why he was the perfect fit for the new TL roster. Not only is he a great jungler with good early game presence but he also comes with playmaking and a willingness to pull triggers when necessary. He rarely looks lost and always in a position to turn things into his team’s favor. Excited to see what he can do in summer now that he’s had enough play time with the roster.
Despite C9 not qualifying for Worlds, I still think Blaber is still the king of the jungle in the LCS. The domestic talent has been leading the charge for quite a few years already, and he doesn’t seem to stop anytime soon.
He has always been super confident on bruiser champions like Xin Zhao and Lee Sin so there are little doubts about his level of play. The early-game presence and fast tempo to create leads on the map are his bread and butter.