The Most OP champions in Nexus Blitz

Want to know which are the most OP champions in Nexus Blitz? Here are 7 champions we think are busted in this LoL game mode.

OP champions nexus blitz

Image Credit: Riot Games

Most OP champions in Nexus Blitz game mode


Our No. 1 pick for Nexus Blitz is currently Jax. Not only is he fairly easy to pick up and play but he just excels all around at all stages of the game. One of the best duelists in the game, capable of killing multiple enemies alone with his insane DPS and damage. Moreover, he’s must harder to take down with the bruiser-like build and resistances from the ultimate. In a game mode where skirmishes happen everywhere at all times, he’s the champion to have. Be careful, though, as he will be often banned in your lobbies.


Since Nexus Blitz has probably the most skirmishes and team fights out of all game modes (except ARAM, probably), Samira excels as one of the few OP ADC champions who can really shine in such circumstances. Thanks to her great all-in potential and AoE damage, she can burst down most targets with fast combos and make several outplays within the same games. She’s not an easy champion to learn, though, especially for beginners.

best samira supports

Image Credit: Riot Games

Read more: Best Samira supports in LoL


Brand is basically the AP version of Samira. As long as he’s able to cast his abilities and his ultimate, he will be blowing enemies’ health bars and burning them down. The fact that the map is smaller compared to traditional Summoners’ Rift makes his spells easier to hit, and he just has great damage output from the very beginning to the latest stages of the game.


While she may not be among the most popular champions in Nexus Blitz, Lillia is our secret OP pick. She’s one of the few magic damage champions that deal consistent damage given her passive and low cooldowns on her abilities. But what makes her really powerful is her passive, making her run around the map at Mach speed, dodging all potential incoming damage. As long as you can keep the passive running, she will be unstoppable.

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The Little Devil is also among the top picks in Nexus Blitz. The main reason is his annoying ability to place mushrooms around strategic spots. Given the smaller size of the map, enemies will always be bound to step on a few of them, losing big chunks of damage even more a fight starts. Moreover, he can just stay invisible for the majority of the time and then finish off everyone with a few auto attacks and abilities. He may not be easy to pilot since it requires a great strategic mind, but he’s definitely one of the strongest champions in the game mode.

Read more: LoL Patch 13.22


Luckily, Nexus Blitz is not only about dealing damage. And this is why Seraphine is so strong in the game mode: she can help his entire team by granting sustain and shields throughout the entire game while also dealing good AoE damage with her Qs.  The increased mana regeneration fixed one of Seraphine’s biggest weaknesses, which is why she can be such an oppressive presence in Nexus Blitz.

Image Credit: Riot Games


If you’re looking to have fun carrying players left and right, Kayle is the right pick for you. Thanks to the increased experience, Kayle skips her weakest early phase, hitting the spikes a lot faster and becoming basically unkillable. She is useful during duels and teamfights thanks to her ultimate. And once she gets to level 16, your enemies won’t be able to beat her in DPS. Unless you or your teammates somehow mess up the early game, Kayle is a late-game guarantee that will allow you to win.

These are the best champions for Nexus Blitz! If you’re looking to know what other picks are currently meta, feel free to check out our full Nexus Blitz Tier List!

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