Fortnite needs to stop jumping Chapters
Fortnite is about to end its fourth season of the third chapter. Chapter 3 Season 4 came and went in the blink of an eye- which is exactly what’s happened with the entire chapter. It feels like just yesterday that Epic Games shocked the world by foregoing the last two seasons of Chapter 2.
Now, sooner than anyone could’ve expected, they’re doing the same thing. Chapter 3 Season 4 won’t roll into Chapter 3 Season 5 but rather, Chapter 4 Season 1 based on Battle Pass leaks. That’s not exactly a good thing.
Why it’s bad for Fortnite to skip Seasons
It was a pretty big deal when Epic decided to skip Seasons 9 and X for Chapter 2. Even then, it felt like a desperation move. It felt like they could feel the community slipping away and felt the need to do something drastic.
While their drastic measures might have worked briefly, the entire community knew (or should have) that it was a move out of pure desperation. Chapter 3 Season 1 was incredible and Chapter 3 Season 2 was a fine sequel, but they shouldn’t have been there. Following the original schedule, the game would be entering Chapter 3 Season 3 instead of Chapter 4 Season 1. There’s no rule that says Epic Games has to follow their own arbitrary schedule, but electing not to makes them look frantic.
They didn’t even have to go down the chapter route. It could just be Season 22 right now instead of Chapter 3 Season 4. Since they did, they’ll forever alert the community to what they’re feeling.
Why Epic Games wants to skip seasons?
There’s a very simple explanation as to why Epic Games might want to forego seasons and move to new chapters all the time. It revitalizes the community. It’s not a secret at all that the game hasn’t been the same or as popular for a long time. Everyone always misses the old days.
By changing chapters, they allow themselves the opportunity to make big changes and excite everyone again.
Take the beginning of this chapter, for example. When Spider-Man, The Foundation and everything else debuted, everyone had fun. It felt like the classic game and many argued that it was the best season yet.
Fast forward just three seasons and Epic is already feeling forced to try that same tactic again. To make matters worse, they don’t have to change chapters to try new things. Every season has changes, so why not implement massive changes to the map or the gameplay between seasons? Instead of Fortnite Chapter 4, Chapter 3 Season 5 could be the new beginning and not be an actual beginning of a chapter.
The developers are playing by their own rules and they’ve backed themselves into a corner. The sad reality is that they didn’t have to do that and now, their moves reek of desperation.