Gaming April Fools Day 2021 – Highlights from around the web

The 1st of April is a day of jokes, and on the internet it’s one for stunts and completely fake news. In recent years,gaming developers have really begun stepping up their contributions. Now, most active games seem to have a treat or another in store for players. Gaming April Fools Day 2021 has not let things down either.

Here are some of the highlights that made the day interesting yesterday.

April Fools 2021

Gaming April Fools Day 2021 Highlight

Valorant: Agents of Romance and Joke Patch Notes

The April Fools Day Treat from Valorant this year has been impressive. It began with some patch notes, a move which kind of just invited trouble. Riot are planning some big nerfs, so what better time to invite your entire fanbase to treat the changes as a joke? There could be no mistake about this set of changes though.

The Valorant gaming April Fools Day 2021 patch notes included adding 80 seconds of duration to Brimstone’s smokes. It gives Breach a five second cooldown timer and unlimited flashes, along with abolishing ranked matchmaking, while somehow giving the top ranked players better aim.

Not satisfied with one joke though, Valorant has also had a spin-off ‘announced’ with Agent’s of Romance. This is a joke game game dreamed up for April Fools day, it looks like a dating sim starring Valorant’s popular roster of Agents.

Apex Legends Gaming April Fools Day 2021

Apex Legends’ April Fools Day 2021 update returns a familiar joke item. The Golden Mozambique is back this year, it’s also joined by a golden 92020 pistol that has a damage boost on ziplines. Airhorns and loot balls also seem to be playing at random too. This is similar to the last few years from Apex, but they also bring a strong showing. These weapons drop way more often than normal too, so your actual games are strange on April 1st.

Overwatch’s Googly Eyes

Overwatch’s april fools day events have always been funny but measured. They’ve returned these traditions this year. You’ve got all caps messages for some heroes, along with googly eyes on every character. Since the game is essentially being sundowned until the new Overwatch 2 fomart, it’s understandable to get a repeat this year. Seeing those googly eyes on the play of the game intros rarely gets old.

Fortnite Gaming April Fools Day 2021 – Diamond Handed Stonks

Fortnite’s gaming april fools day 2021 event is pretty topical. It is a skin featuring the ‘stonks’ meme guy with diamond hands. This is a bit of a mishmash of things. The Stonks meme guy is just from a meme standard template. His kind of uncanny apparence has translated strangely into Fortnite. The diamond hands element comes from the subreddit R/Wallstreetbets. In this context, it is probably to do with the ongoing GameStop short squeeze saga currently being followed by users of the sub.

PUBG Gaming April Fools Day 2021 – POBG

PUBG has really pushed the boat out this year. A 2D arcade style shooter has launched, pitting players against chickens. There are unique weapons, mechanics, essentially a brand new and pretty fun game. One of the most ambitious gaming April Fools Day jokes since Google invented Pokemon Go in 2014.

Pokemon Sword and Shield Infested with Magikarps

Pokemon Sword and Shield’s raid battles have been entirely taken over by magikarp. Not only is a joke Pokemon taking up space, but it seems players are even unable to catch it.

Rainbow Six Rainbow Event

As far as April Fools Day events go, basing one around a tedious pun is impressive. A rainbow themed event is apparently coming to the game, based on nothing but the title.

Halo Infinite – Gaming April Fools Day 2021

Halo Infinite’s delay isn’t even an official gaming April Fools 2021 joke, just a little fake twitter thing. However, it tricked a major gaming news outlet so it really seems it is still worth mentioning. This one might not be too far from the truth, Halo Infinite has had a pretty bad time of it since announcement.

Neir Life Sim

Neir Replicant is a hotly anticipated release for this year. While fans feel the same way after seeing this though? The game has had its lore and plot stripped out, to make a farming and fishing sim!

Those are the biggest ones that have happened so far for gaming April Fools Day 2021. In terms of effort, the top spot likely has to go out to PUBG. Their offering this time around was one of those rare april fools days jokes which is more fun than it is funny. Coming in second, probably the groanworthy pun for Rainbow Six, and the day-long chaos that always comes to Apex Legends.

GG.BET 404 Bonus Not Found

GG.BET also joked around, but not really. The site claimed there no more GG.Bet Bonus, and between April 1-2 you can’t claim a special bonus, and that you aren’t supposed to. april fools


You definitely shouldn’t go and claim this bonus before it expires today.

In the end, it was a fun day overall with plenty of companies using the opportunity to have some fun. Now that the day is over, you can finally trust what you read in the media once gain.

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