Best ADC champions to play with Yuumi in LoL

If you’re wondering which are the best ADC champions to play with Yuumi, here are the five best picks to play alongside her in season 14.

best ADC with Yuumi

Image Credit: Riot Games

The best ADC to play with Yuumi in LoL

Yuumi has recently received a major rework to her kit, which has raised some major skepticism. League players have been complaining heavily about the gameplay experience when going up against Yuumi, which finally led to major tweaks to the champion’s kit. Riot Games wanted to “emphasize Yuumi’s unique ability as a powerful single-target defensive enchanter”, while also creating more counterplay to punish the champion.

Currently, Yuumi is strong only with specific ADCs that are able to take full advantage of her kit. Most of the time her power is directly correlated to the power of the bot lane duos she is played in. If you are wondering which are the best marksmen to play with her, we have compiled a list of 5 champions that are currently strong with Yuumi.

Zeri – The undisputed no. 1 for Yuumi

If you have watched some professional League in the last year, you probably have seen Yuumi being played with Zeri the majority of the time. This is because the two are literally far more than “best friends”.

zeri yuumi

Image Credit: Riot Games

Yuumi boosts all Zeri’s strong points, allowing her to be almost untouchable later in the game. Even though she doesn’t offer the same level of healing, Yuumi is still able to peel Zeri with her shields and the newly-introduced resistances, making her extremely hard to one-shot.

Unless the two are heavily punished early on, Zeri-Yuumi will just take over the game and proceed to 2v8 the entire game.

Read also: Best supports with Zeri in League

Twitch – It’s all about the late-game carry potential

Just like most enchanters, Yuumi does a great job at empowering all the hypercarries. This includes Twitch, which can utilize his invisibility to make a great combo with the magical cat. They can use it to start fights or to make surprise ganks onto other lanes.


Image Credit: Riot Games

While the two aren’t that strong early on, the duo gets stronger the longer the game goes. As long as the enemies are not miles ahead in gold and experience, Twitch should start dealing significant damage after two items: just make sure to not get caught at the start of a fight, and Twitch will be able to melt down anyone in sight.

Tristana – one of the best and most enjoyable ADC to play with Yuumi

If you like to play scaling ADCs and wait for the late-game teamfights to show off your carry potential, then you should consider playing Tristana with Yuumi.

While Tristana is not considered one of the best ADCs in the current tier list, she has great synergy with Yuumi and is able to easily navigate through the early laning phase. Aside from Yuumi’s shields, Tristana excels at clearing minion waves and escaping with her Rocket Jump if things get rough.

Later in the game, her DPS will make her an unstoppable force and Yuumi’s peeling will allow her to survive most of the enemies’ attempts to burst her down.

Ezreal – The safe scaling laners

With other ADCs getting nerfed, Ezreal is rising back up again as one of the strongest marksmen in the meta. And despite Yuumi being in a weak spot currently, the two still make a great scaling duo with great self-peeling.

Considering Ezreal’s poke and long-range abilities, as well as Yuumi’s enchanter nature, you should have little to no problems surviving most of the incoming aggression from the enemy team. Moreover, if everything goes south, Ezreal still has his own E to quickly get away from danger.

Another great thing about this duo is the scaling both have. Not only do they have a safe laning phase, but they get stronger the longer the game goes, turning Ezreal into a carry threat in the fights. Even if they try to burst you down, you will have enough shields to tank most of the damage anyway.

Having said that, being a safe bot lane duo also means that you won’t be able to find great leads during the laning phase. See if you can poke the enemies out but don’t bother trading heavily against them.

Lucian – Emerging new duo for Yuumi

Whenever you see your support hovering Lucian, be aware that Yuumi can match her quite well. This is because Yuumi provides a lot of buffs that in turn boost Lucian’s passive for extra damage. As long as Yuumi stays attached to him, Lucian will be able to tank and deal more damage.

best lucian counters in lol

Image Credit: Riot Games

Compared to most ADCs, however, Lucian has a lower auto attack range so he must be mechanically proficient and consistently maximize the damage from his passive. Don’t blind pick them unless you’re extremely confident in your skills.

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