Best Augments in 2v2v2v2 LoL Arena – Best One for All Champs
Ever wondered which are the best augments to pick up in LoL Arena? Here is everything you need to know to increase your chances of victory.
Which are the best Augments in LoL Arena?
Aside from revamped items, Riot Games introduced unique Augments to their new 2v2v2v2 game mode, LoL Arena. They are special power-ups, granting champions unique buffs and effects to improve their power in the game. From granting additional stats to other specific interactions, augments add one extra layer of complexity.
That being said, just like in other game modes, there are Augments that are better and stronger than others. And while many of them depend on which champions and situations are used, some consistently perform better. With this in mind, let’s go over the best augments in LoL Arena, divided by tiers.
We’ll also add a few examples of champions that synergize well with these effects so that you have a clearer idea once you jump into your next games.
Best Silver Augments in LoL Arena
- Sonic Boom
- Contract Killer
- Witchful Thinking
- Erosion
- Shadow Runner
- Slap Around
- Blunt Force
Sonic Boom
- Granting a buff, heal, or shield to your ally deals 30 − 150 (based on level) true damage to enemies within 450 units of them and slows targets by 30% for 2 seconds (2 second cooldown).
This augment is specifically made for the enchanter supports, allowing them to deal additional damage and apply consistent slows on the enemies.
Contract Killer
- At the start of each combat round, mark a champion on the enemy team. The mark causes them to take 20% increased damage from your team and grants 350 to you and your ally when they die.
Great to get additional gold in the early rounds. As long as you’re able to kill the marked target, this augment is worth it.
Witchful Thinking
- Gain 70 Ability Power.
Even though Witchful Thinking is categorized as a silver augment, it has comparable levels of power to gold augments on the AP-heavy champions, such as the control mages. It can be a great boost of damage especially early on, where getting an extra 70 AP can make a difference between a won and lost round.
- Each instance of damage dealt to an enemy reduces their armor and magic resistance by 1.5% for 4 seconds, stacking up to 20 times for a total of 30% resistances reduction.
Great for champions like Swain that have consistent ticks of damage.
Shadow Runner
- Upon casting an ability with a dash or blink, or exiting stealth, gain 300 bonus movement speed for 2 seconds.
This is best on ADCs like Vayne that want to kite or champions that have multiple dashes.
Slap Around
- Immobilizing an enemy champion grants you 12 bonus Attack Damage or 20 Ability Power (Adaptive), stacking infinitely. This effect lasts until the end of the round.
Great for tanks with lots of crowd controls. On champions like Leona and Nautilus, this rune is honestly borderline broken.
Blunt Force
- Increases attack damage by 15%.
Pretty self-explanatory. Powerful on all heavy AD-stacking champions.
Read more: LoL Arena Tier List - best champions for the 2v2v2v2 mode
Best Gold Augments
- Blood Brother
- Holy Fire
- All For You
- The Brutalizer
- Outlaw’s Grit
- Critical Healing
- Angel of Retribution
- Lighting Strikes
- Thread the Needle
- Magic Missile
- Phenomenal Evil
- It’s Killing Time
- Scopier Weapons
- Bread and Butter
- Recursion
Blood Brother
- PASSIVE: Damaging basic attacks and abilities apply a stack of Hemorrhage to enemies for 5 seconds, refreshing on subsequent applications and stacking up to 5 times.
- HEMORRHAGE: For each stack, the target is dealt 13 − 30 (based on level) (+ 30% bonus AD) total physical damage over the duration, up to a maximum of 65 − 150 (based on level) (+ 150% bonus AD) total physical damage over the duration.
Darius’ passive in a skirmish-heavy game mode? A wet dream.
Holy Fire
- Your heals and shields cause you to fire a missile to the nearest enemy champion within 650 units over 0.32 seconds, applying a burn upon arrival that deals magic damage equal to 1% of the target’s maximum health every second over 5 seconds.
All For You
- Your heals and shields on allied champions are increased in effectiveness by 40%.
The Brutalizer
- Gain 25 Attack Damage, 10 Ability Haste, and 15 Lethality.
While it only grants additional base stats, many champions in the game love getting all these increments.
Outlaw’s Grit
- Casting an ability with a dash or blink grants 12 bonus armor and bonus magic resistance, stacking up to 5 times for a total of 60 bonus resistances. This effect lasts indefinitely until the end of the round.
Whoever has dashes or mobility spells on a short cooldown can abuse this augment. It will make them tankier at the start of each round, and thus harder to kill.
Critical Healing
- Your heals and shields now have a chance equal to 100% critical strike chance to increase in effectiveness by 50%. Additionally, gain 20% critical strike chance.
Angel of Retribution
- QUEST: Heal allied champions for 2500 in total, or mitigate 2500 damage for them.
- REWARD: Upon completing your QUEST, gain 100% bonus attack speed and empower your basic attacks to deal bonus magic damage equal to 300% of your heal and shield power.
Great for enchanters.
Lightning Strikes
- Gain 2.5 bonus attack damage per 10% attack speed.
This is the ideal augment for all ADCs and most attack-speed-based champions. Later in the game, this augment can grant more up to 40 AD.
Thread the Needle
- Gain 25% Armor Penetration and Magic Penetration.
This augment is like getting Guinsoo Rageblade’s Mythic passive in one go. All the champions that have hybrid damage output love this augment.
Magic Missile
- Dealing damage to an enemy with an active ability within 700 units fires 3 missiles at them that each deal true damage equal to 0.7% of the target’s maximum health, increased to up to 2.1% based on distance travelled (2 second cooldown).
Great to shred through tanky champions’ health bars.
Phenomenal Evil
- Ability hits against enemies permanently grant 2 ability power (0.5-second cooldown per ability). If this is your second augment, also gain 40 ability power.
Pretty self-explanatory. Just spam and hit abilities.
It’s Killing Time
- Upon casting your ultimate ability, you applypre-mitigation damage dealt to the affected target, detonating after 5 seconds to deal physical damage equal to the damage stored against them. to all enemy champions (8 second cooldown). The mark stores 30% of all
Overall great augment for burst damage champions
Scoped Weapons
- Gain 200 Attack Range, reduced to 100 for ranged characters.
Just like Lightning Strikes, getting additional attack range is also wonderful for all the DPS champions in the game. As long as you’re a champion that bases its damage around attacks, this is a great augment to pick up.
Bread and Butter
- Your champion’s first basic ability (Q) gains 150 ability haste.
Best on champions who want to spam the Qs as much as possible.
Gain 60 Ability Haste.
This is a pretty basic augment but everyone knows how ability haste can be abused on certain champions. And now that there is no cap on an ability’s cooldowns, certain champions can perma spam their abilities in game.
Examples of strong champions with the augment: Sylas, Vladimir, Morgana, Riven.
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Best Prismatic Augments in LoL Arena
- Center of the Universe
- Nesting Doll
- Spellwake
- Goliath
- Draw Your Sword
- Giant Slayer
- Jeweled Gauntlet
Center of the Universe
- CENTER OF THE UNIVERSE: You are now constantly orbited by three Stars that exist at your attack range, each doing a full circumference in 5.25 seconds.
Each Star deals 10 − 180 (based on level) (+ 25% bonus AD) (+ 15% AP) magic damage to enemies that come into contact with them.
Best on champions that can stick to enemies to consistently hit the orbs. Champions with lots of slows or crowd controls are the ideal candidates.
Nesting Doll
- Upon taking fatal damage for the first time, you enter resurrection for 1.5 seconds and are afterwards revived with 75% maximum health but 25% reduced damage and 80% size. Taking fatal damage a second time causes you to enter resurrection for the same duration again and revive afterward with 50% maximum health but 50% reduced damage and 60% size. Reviving causes nearby enemy champions to be knocked back.
This is probably the strongest Prismatic augment of the lot. The two extra revives can make a huge difference in certain rounds and allow you to get unexpected victories.
- Hitting an enemy champion with an ability sends a trail from you to the location they were hit, detonating in a 100 radius after 0.75 seconds to deal up to 70 − 700 (based on level) (+100% bonus AD) (+ 70% AP) magic damage to enemies within (1.5 second cooldown).
Champions that spam abilities are going to benefit the most from this augment but you need long duration crowd controls to make sure the detonation hits the enemies.
- Become large, gaining 35% Health and 15% Adaptive Force.
This is the best augment for tanks and bruisers. It allows him to gain thousands of extra health at max build, while also granting additional adaptive force to improve their fighting ability.
Draw Your Sword
- Become melee, modifying your attack range to 200 units. Additionally, gain 35% bonus attack damage, 25% bonus attack speed, 35% bonus health, 25% bonus movement speed, and 25% life steal. These bonuses are increased by 0% − 30% (based on attack range).
Great for all those champions who want to get the base stats increase.
Giant Slayer
- Become tiny, reducing your size by 75% and gaining a 30% bonus movement speed. Additionally, deal 15 / 20 / 30 / 35% (based on target’s size) bonus damage against enemy champions with greater size than you.
Best when facing lobbies with several tanks. Ideally, you want a champion that can maximize the movement speed bonus so ADCs are probably the best candidates since they can kite.
Jeweled Gauntlet
- Your Abilities can Critically Strike for 140% total damage. Gain 20% Critical Chance. Gain an additional crit chance scaling with your AP.
Ideally, this augment works on champions that can use spells and abilities consistently throughout the game. Low cooldowns are an important requirement to maximize this augment’s efficiency.
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