LoL Worlds 2023 official anthem Gods collects mixed opinions from fans

After the LoL Worlds Song “Gods” by NewJeans and Riot Games was released earlier today, fans have expressed different thoughts on the result.

LoL Worlds Gods

Image Credit: Riot Games

Fans’ reactions to the new LoL Worlds Song Gods

The Worlds song, which was released earlier today on YouTube, goes over reigning world champion Deft and his competitive journey, starting from his high school days to breaking into the pro play until his incredible run to the title in 2022.

After being teased for multiple days, nearly 110,000 people tuned in to watch the premiere and listen to the newest song. On Reddit, some fans have already expressed their opinion on the song, even though there are quite different takes on the anthem.

“Doesn’t sound like NewJeans at all lol but it’s good,” said one user. New Jeans is known for having a softer, delicate, and less dramatic music style, so it was quite different from what you would expect from the K-pop girl group.

LoL Worlds 2023 Song Newjeans Gods

Image Credit: Riot Games

Another fan felt that the dramatic chorus was missing: “Good song but it’s been years since we got a dramatic chorus. I miss when Worlds was an epic fantasy clash. I’d really like a break from the pop theme to bring back that unique epic fantasy feeling.” Other people were on the same line of thought: “It’s a good song but not really an epic great song that hype you up. Giving it a 6.5 or 7 for a Worlds song“.

“Great video, good song but meh for a Worlds song. I would have hoped the teaser was the general direction of the song and be more epic and imposing to the ear,” said another user.

Aside from the song, however, many fans were positive and happy about the music video. Deft’s storyline was well-received and his overall storyline was catchy: “Song is middling but god that storyline in the music video is gold”. Another user added: “This hits hard as a Deft fan for a long time. A lot of his history is inside this video and it really illustrates Deft’s feelings and frustrations before 2022 Worlds very well.”

Someone, however, also went over the animation quality: “[It] was a bit off at times but I liked what they went for. Deft’s journey over the years and all the Worlds’ where he has competed in, showcasing his story. The song is nice too.”

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Fans and the comparison to previous Worlds Songs

Whenever new songs are released, it’s inevitable to make comparisons and see how they would rank with previous Worlds anthems. The most direct comparison is, without a doubt, with the 2018 Worlds Song, RISE. Just like this year’s edition, the 2018 song went over Ambition’s journey and how he managed to win the 2017 World Championship.

A Reddit user made quite a spot-on analysis of both of them, mentioning that the main game-changer was the scope of the video:

Rise was emphasizing the climb with wide, cinematic vistas; fighting Perkz Yasuo in grasslands where the blades cut the fields open. Rushing down Uzi Vayne in an active volcano. Even nonfight scenes were massive spectacles, like climbing across Trynd’s sword to reach a mountain. “This video was closer to Take Over; solid snapshot scenes of fights (mostly just “Player with champ’s iconic weapon” rather than silhouetted champ outlines like Rise had), with the emphasis being on loss and retry. It wasn’t bad, and told a story, but it kinda felt… empty at times. What’s Deft Lucian doing fighting Pawn Jayce in Shurima desert? Why’s the climax in a giant platform in the sky? Animation was solid, music was fine, but Rise is on another level.

Another user mentioned that it didn’t hype him up like RISE or Imagine Dragons’ song from 2014 Worlds, Warriors.

RISE LoL worlds

Image Credit: Riot Games

One fan also went over the musical aspect of the song:

It still gives off a redundant version of the previous Worlds songs. Some interesting musical elements here and there but overall, it’s middle of the road. I do think NewJeans sound good, they pulled it off IMO (in my opinion). Not a bad song just not what I expected based off the hype the composers were sharing. Also can we get some belting or higher vocal moments in the last chrous? The copy-paste choruses over the three choruses is so anti-climactic. By the end of the song there is absolutely no pay-off.

In conclusion, it looks like the song won’t become the new fans’ favorite, but at the same time, there are a lot of positives, especially when it comes to the storyline and animation. As a K-pop fan, I found the song enjoyable, even though I do agree that I probably expected a bit of “punch” in the choruses or in specific parts of the song. Regardless, it’s probably going to grow on me and I hope that the opening ceremony will be able to hype us up more!

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