Axie Infinity – Second and Third Batch of Origin Cards Unveiled

Following the Tail cards revealed for the upcoming version 3 of the play-to-earn phenomenon brought by Axie Infinity, developer Sky Mavis has now unveiled the Back and Mouth cards for Axie Origin. With that, players all over the world may already start to theory craft possible combinations and meta for the game while waiting for three more card parts before its release later this month.

Here are some of the new Axie Origin: Back and Mouth cards you should watch out for.

Axie Origins Aquatic Back

Axie Origin Back Cards

Green Thorns

Green Thorns’ version 2 counterpart seems to do just enough to compensate the 0-cost part of an Axie. It’s mostly used as a defensive card on Disablesuarus builds or Reptiles. But it might be a different case when it comes to Origin.

Green Thorn now costs 1 energy in version 3. It doesn’t have any damage or shield, but rather a very interesting skill which reads as “Apply 2 Poison x 6 times to random targets. Heal this Axie for 20 HP.” This could be best paired with version 3’s Gila which deals 2 bonus damage per Poison stack on the enemy, as well as a Plant with Yam (deals 2 Poison to all enemies and a 0 cost).

A Poison line-up could be one of the most outstanding builds once Origin will come out. And it just got strengthened with Green Thorns’ added offensive prowess and healing utility.


Sandal is one of the most used cards this version 2. Not only it can deal massive damage to Bugs, but it also has defensive utility, especially for Tank Plants or Dusks which can also be an offensive threat to the Tanks of the opponents due to it being a Bug class card.

And it might continue its established damaging power in Axie Origin after Sky Mavis revealed its effect to be “Apply Fear for 2 turns. If target previously has Fear, deal 50% more DMG.” The card itself has 100 damage and a 2-energy cost, so it just means that Sandal is mostly used to annihilate the opponent’s Axies in terms of massive damage capability by utilizing the Fear mechanic.

Now the thing to watch out for is how would Fear work in Origin. But for sure, combo this with Gravel Ant to maximize the Fear skill while enhancing your overall attack numbers. Bug class cards are really impressive so far, huh.

Green Thorns and Sandal Axie Origins

Axie Origins

Axie Origin Mouth Cards

Peace Maker

Peace Maker has been one of the most popular Bird cards in the history of Axie Infinity. Its Attack minus debuff can be game-changing at times and the damage it can deal is pretty huge, especially against Bugs, Beasts, and Mechs.

And even though its version 3 skill is not yet fully explained, it is already pretty interesting, especially with how the Weak mechanic could possibly work. Peace Maker’s Origin counterpart is now labeled with the effect that reads as: “Apply Weak for 2 turns. If target previously has Weak, deal 15 more DMG.” Weak could still be the Attack minus debuff it has in version 2. But the 15 extra damage it can deal can be quite useful to take down the enemy Axies.

Mix this up with a Swallow or a Grandma’s Fan to execute more bonus damage to the opposing team. Bird cards seem to continue what they are known for in version 2 – an offensive machine. We might need to tweak our Axie Infinity guide soon.

Cute Bunny

And finally our last featured card for today is Cute Bunny. This card has been notorious way back in season 18 since Fear was one of the most feared skills during that season. Though it got nerfed especially with the damage output it can provide, the Fear mechanic itself is still quite useful. And version 3 might see the triumphant return of the card to the meta.

Cute Bunny could be the third piece to develop a Fear build alongside cards such as Gravel Ant and Sandal. The mechanic may not be clear as of now since we will still transition to Origin, but the damage output of those cards could be pretty insane. The 60 damage of Cute Bunny plus Sandal’s 100 (and possibly at least 150 if the effect is triggered) is already huge.

If we would know how Fear works in version 3 then it may seal the deal if Fear builds will dominate Origin. But the potential is already there and I can’t wait for a possible Fear vs Poison meta to become popular in Axie Infinity.

Cute Bunny and Peacemaker Axie Origins

Axie Origins

The full list of Back and Mouth cards is available on the highlighted links. Some interesting changes are coming to the game, and I am extremely excited for all the future meta  and Axie Infinity Cards breakdowns we will have to do.

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