If you’re wondering which supports work best with Tristana, here are the five champions you should be playing with her this season.
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Tristana is one of the oldest champions in the entire game. Released in the alpha version of LoL, the Yordle Gunner is an iconic champion in the bottom lane. She was a popular champion in the first era of the competitive League, with world-class ADC players like Rekkles carrying their own teams to victory.
Her kit has remained pretty much the same throughout the years, making her an easy-friendly champion to pick up and learn. Having said that, Tristana needs great partners in the bottom lane to destroy the enemies.
If you’re not sure which champions you should be playing with her, we have compiled a full list of champions that are guaranteed to work with Tristana, explaining the key strengths and weaknesses of these bot lane duos.
Tristana is the type of champion that wants to quickly burst down the targets in the early game. If she gets enough time to auto attack and increase the stacks, she will make the enemies go kaboom without any way to retaliate. To do so, she needs a support that can help her lock down enemies and not allow them to get away.
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Nautilus is the best when it comes to doing this. He offers so much crowd control on single targets that it’s almost impossible for anyone to get away from him. Tristana has plenty of time to use her entire combo, get the kill and a sweet reset.
That being said, this bot lane duo suffers from long-range poke, and it needs Nautilus to be on point with his hooks, which is not always the case. Regardless, this is the most intuitive and effective bot lane to play.
Thresh has always been one of the best supports to play with Tristana. Similar to Nautilus, he offers a good amount of crowd control. Maybe not as much hard-engage, but he trades that with an additional disengage tool thanks to his lantern. If Tristana mispositions heavily, he can save her with this ability.
That said, this bot lane requires even more coordination than the one with Nautilus, and Thresh must be played to full proficiency to make the duo work well.
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Despite engage supports being the preferred choice to play with Tristana, Lulu has been quite a popular pick in recent times. Her peeling potential, paired with Tristana’s positioning tools, makes a strong combo that is hard to punish.
As long as the ADC isn’t heavily punished early on, she will scale up and become relevant in the mid-late game teamfight. Learn to play around this bot lane’s weakness and you will find strong success with it.
You probably have understood that engage supports are the best types of champions alongside Tristana. With that in mind, Leona is also a great option you should go for, especially if you need a tankier front line.
Thanks to her W, Leona can survive for longer throughout extended trades and teamfights, which increases her chances of applying more crowd control on the enemy teams. Not to mention that her engage doesn’t necessarily require her to commit to an engage since she can stun enemies from afar with her ultimate.
That being said, this bot lane duo will suffer a bit more during the 2v2, especially against double-ranged bot lane duos. Try to play this pairing knowing what kind of opponents you will face.
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The last support pick we recommend playing with Tristana is Rell. Compared to other supports on this list, she is the best when it comes to coordinated plays and making dives to generate big leads.
Rell’s ability to engage and lock down targets is second to none in this list. Tristana can easily follow up with her Rocket Jump and burst down targets by placing the E on the focused target. As long as both of you are on the same page and quickly following up on each other’s players, you will be in a winning position.
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