Pokemon GO PVP Rankings Guide – How does PVP work in GO!

Pokemon PVP took a while to be added to the game. Now, it is a staple part of the game’s content.

Once you start climbing the rankings, the criteria for each league changes, and as a result the Pokemon you expect to fight will change as well.

pokemon go pvp rankings

Source: pokemongolive.com

Pokemon GO PVP Rankings

In each league, there are 10 rankings, 1-10 with 1 being the lowest. For each season you cannot downgrade your rank, and only climb upwards through general PVP play – winning will obviously increase it faster.

Once you reach Rank 7, in addition to your Ranking, a rating number that the player can see is introduced. While losses won’t tank your ranking, they will reduce your rating. Players will want to maintain a high rating to climb towards ranks 9 and 10.

From rank 7 onwards and the rating system introduction, the matchmaking for PVP gets tighter, prioritizing matches against similarly rated opponents. Rank 10, like the other ranks, cannot be fallen out of. Instead, it becomes a ladder to achieve the highest rating by beating other Rank 10 opponents.

Rankings CP Limits in Pokemon GO

  • Great League: Pokemon limited to below 1500 CP
  • Ultra League: Pokemon limited to below 2500 CP
  • Master League: No CP Cap

Additionally, fan created PVP events called Sylph Arena may have additional requirements. Seasonal tournaments alongside the 3 main leagues will also introduce other ban lists, such as limiting you to the original 151, or banning certain type Pokémon for a week.

Best Pokemon GO PVP Rankings Pokemon

Here are the highest performing Pokemon in each tier.

Great League

  1. Lickitung [Lick + BodySlam (STAB) / Power Whip (Coverage)]
  2. Cresselia [Psycho Cut + Grass Knot (Coverage) / Future Sight (STAB)]
  3. Shadow Gligar [Wing Attack + Aerial Ace (STAB) / Dig (STAB)]
  4. Registeel [Lock On + Focus Blast (Coverage) / Zap Cannon (Coverage)]
  5. Shadow Swampert [Mud Shot + Hydro Cannon (STAB) / Earthquake (STAB)

Ultra League

  1. Registeel [Lock On + Focus Blast (Coverage) / Zap Cannon (Coverage)]
  2. Giratina [Shadow Claw + Dragon Claw (STAB) / Shadow Sneak (STAB)]
  3. Poliwrath (Regular & Shadow) [Counter + Icy Wind (Coverage) / Scald (STAB)]
  4. Cresselia [Psycho Cut + Grass Knot (Coverage) / Moonblast (Coverage)]
  5. Pidgeot [Wing Attack + Feather Dance (STAB) / Brave Bird (STAB)

Master League

  1. Zygarde (Complete) [Dragon Tail + Crunch (Coverage) / Earthquake (STAB)]
  2. Landorus (Therian) [Mud Shot + Sandsear Storm (STAB) / Stone Edge (STAB)]
  3. Dragonite [Dragon Breath + Dragon Claw (STAB) / Superpower (Coverage)]
  4. Groudon [Mud Shot + Precipice Blades (STAB) / Fire Punch (STAB)]
  5. Solgaleo [Fire Spin + Psychic Fangs (STAB) / Iron Head (STAB)