Call of Duty Modern Warfare Update is coming

The newest Call of Duty Modern Warfare update is bringing all sorts of new content to PC, Xbox One, and PS4 players this week. The new patch is going to add all sorts of new stuff – or rather, it’s going to bring a fair number of updates.

Read also: Call of Duty joins the DraftKings fantasy lineup
call of duty modern warfare

© Activision

Call of Duty Modern Warfare – The new content

Ever since the initial CoD Modern Warfare release date, the devs have been releasing regular updates, adding new content, and more. In this latest one, players will see a new weapon, a playlist update, doubled XP, and even updates to the Warzone are coming.

The newest gun is the LMG Weapon class MK9 Bruen LMG. It’s the final of the three additions that came with the third season. It boasts high accuracy and adequate damage, and you can get it one of two ways – either by getting the Encryption bundle or by completing the relevant challenge you can find in your Weapons menu.

Go to the LMG tab where you can find the LMG Foxtror challenge that will get you the weapon… or alternatively, you can also get the Glitch blueprint as part of the Encryption bundle in the store.

Other updates

Part of the CoD news here is also the Gunsmith Customs update. It will allow you to mix and match the attachments you can get via blueprints as long as they are for the same weapon. You’ll be able to create hybrid blueprints with unique looks, styles and abilities.

Then there’s a new Warzone contract – on you! It allows you to make yourself a bounty target for all other teams. If you succeed and survive, you can earn a redeployment for any fallen teammates. So, high-risk, high-reward.

Then there’s the Shoot the Ship playlist update – it’ll focus on Shoot House and Shipment, fairly unsurprisingly. Cranked and Grind will also be part of the mix – as will some Gunfight variations. There’s already been some patch notes released as well – they include various bug fixes especially relating to challenges and some visual issues like corrupted outlines, light shafts and more.

CoD Modern Warfare is sure to keep its players happy with this new stuff – at the very least, for the rest of this season.

The non-DLC DLC

For owners of the full MW game, things are going to get a little complicated. There will be two separate downloads for the update. When it all goes live, the first half will download and install the patch as normal.

Then, when those players try to access Multiplayer content, they’ll be prompted to download the Data Pack DLC. This isn’t ‘real’ DLC – it’s just a necessary download in order to gain access to Warzone again. When it’s complete, you’ll be able to play as normal!

Playing in a different way

If you don’t enjoy playing CoD: MW on its own too much, you always have the option of going about it another way – fantasy leagues. You can find all sorts of fantasy leagues for the game – for example, on the Call Of Duty DraftKings site.

Read next: Call of Duty: Mobile World Championship Announced

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