Team Germany wins ShEsports Cup Euro Edition with 25 goals in 2 matches

Team Germany won the ShEsports Cup Euro Edition last night. The event brought together some of the best female European FIFA players. Played live at Red Bull Game Sphere, the event was an amazing showcase of prowess and FIFA skill.

ShSportsCup Europe edition

ShEsports Cup Euros Edition

The ShEsports Cup Euro Edition is the fifth event in this series which has proven to be an effective part of FIFA esports. These are women-only competitive events that have been running since 2020. The past events have had some decent action, including the ShEsports Cup Christmas tournament at the end of 2021.

All action played out entirely on yesterday (July 25th).  Four different teams took part: England, Germany, France, and Spain. Each of these teams consisted of three players.

Here are the roster for the four teams that took part in ShEsports Cup Euros Edition:


  • Lisa ‘Jilingz_Lida’ Manley
  • Miriam ‘FUTHesa’ Musa
  • Taylor Hinds


  • Fabienne ‘FabienneXIII’ Morlok
  • Lena ‘rblz_lena’ Güldenpfennig
  • Paulina krumbiegel


  • Sandra ‘SaNHs’ Martinez
  • Olga Garcia
  • Yolanda Aguirre


  • Boukoult ‘LaDounyance’ Dounia
  • Amelie ‘Alta_Melie’ Stefanagii
  • Valerie Gauvin

All of these players stood out in the various woman’s esports competitions that have been held in the leadup to these events. That includes some of the past ShEsports Cups’ players. While there aren’t quite as many events for woman’s esports in FIFA, tournaments like this offer a great opportunity to see the level of talent that exists in this area.

Germany reigns supreme at ShEsports Cup

Teams Germany and France both reached the final, but the German trio was dominant in both matches scoring 25 in total, 13 against France and 12 against Spain earlier. France did score 2 on Germany and 5 on England, but i was clear from the start what the best team at this event is.

For Fabienne, Phoenix and Lena a showcase like this sure bolsters their hopes for performing well in future FIFA events. Honestly, this trio can hold their own against the men squads as well. They are that good.

It was the perfect timing for this event, close to FIFAe Nations Cup and the Club World Cup for men’s FIFAe. Both events see players competing for their country to find the best players at the game. These tournaments will give fans the chance to see a different side of FIFA and more of the world of woman’s esports.

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