How To Uninstall Genshin Impact on All Platforms

Genshin Impact is one of the most sensational games to emerge in recent years. It was first dropped in 2020 and it took the world by storm, and since then, it has only proceeded to grow in popularity. However, there are often reasons why we need to stop playing certain games, and the best way to accomplish that goal is to uninstall them entirely. So, with that in mind, we’re going to teach you how to uninstall Genshin Impact on all platforms.

Not only that, but we’ll see that you learn how to delete your Genshin Impact account if you want to take it that far. It could be that you’re bored of the game, you have security concerns, or you’re addicted to it and want to take the responsible action of getting yourself as far away from it as possible. If so, good on you – that’s a sensible thing to do.

Without further ado, here’s our guide on how to uninstall Genshin Impact on any platform.

Does Uninstalling Genshin Impact Delete Everything?

how to uninstall genshin impact

Before we get started, let’s answer this all-important question, as it’s likely the first thing that’ll pop into your head. If you’re about to delete Genshin Impact from your device, do you run the risk of losing everything that you’ve acquired up to that point? It could be quite a lot to lose, as some players have racked up thousands of hours of play in Genshin Impact.

Fear not – while the game may be uninstalled from your device, you won’t lose your progress thus far. In fact, if you decide to reinstall Genshin Impact months later, you’ll find that you can pick up where you left off, as your progress is stored centrally on MiHoYo’s servers, and not locally on your mobile device, PC, or console.

That’s the wonder of modern game technology.

How to Uninstall Genshin Impact

Let’s break down the various ways to uninstall Genshin Impact.

How to Uninstall Genshin Impact on PC

You’ll remove Genshin Impact from your PC just like any other application. First, navigate to your PC’s settings menu (or just search) and find ‘Programs and Features’. Then, scroll down until you find Genshin Impact and right-click on it, before selecting ‘Uninstall’ to remove Genshin Impact entirely. This is how you’ll do it if you’ve downloaded the game through the ‘official launcher.

If you’ve used Epic Games to install Genshin Impact on your PC, you’ll need to boot the launcher itself, locate the game in your library, and then choose uninstall. It’s that simple!

How to Uninstall Genshin Impact on Mobile

If you’re on iOS or Android, how to uninstall Genshin Impact is basically the same process. On both types of devices, you can find the icon for Genshin Impact, press and hold it until another menu pops up, then just hit ‘Uninstall’. That’s it – Genshin Impact will be removed from your phone or tablet.

How to Uninstall Genshin Impact on PlayStation

This is one of the easiest ways to uninstall Genshin Impact. Simply navigate to your game library on PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5, locate Genshin Impact, hit the ‘Options’ button, and press ‘Delete’. That’s it – it’s gone!

How to Delete Genshin Impact Account

Let’s assume you want to go one step further and delete your Genshin Impact account.

For that, there’s a little more work involved. You’ll need to navigate to the Genshin Impact website and log in with your account credentials. Then, go to ‘Account Management’, scroll down to ‘Account Security Settings’, and select ‘Delete Account’. You’ll be prompted to verify your account before you continue, just as a last security step, but once you’ve done that, it’s gone. You’ve managed to delete everything associated with your Genshin Impact account.

If you change your mind, you’ll have 30 days to go back and log in again, but after that point, it’s all gone forever. So, make sure you’re definitely set on never returning to Genshin Impact, unless you want to start all over again.