Cheat Codes for Sims 3 – Unlock Unlimited Possibilities in the Game
One of the most exciting aspects of The Sims 3 is using cheat codes that allow players to push the limits of the game and unlock endless possibilities for fun. That’s why, in this guide, we help you to explore all the cheat codes for Sims 3, from money cheats to needs and skill cheats.
The Sims 3 is a life simulation game popular with gamers. It is the third instalment in the popular Sims franchise, following Sims 1 and Sims 2. It was released in 2009 and introduced several new features, including an open-world environment and a complex personality system for Sims. The game also received critical acclaim for its graphics and gameplay.
Read on to secure all the cheat codes for Sims 3 that you’ll ever need.
Using Sims 3 Cheats
Before we dive into the specifics of using cheat codes for Sims 3, it’s essential to know how to use them on the platform you’re playing on.
- To access cheats on PC, hold Ctrl and Shift while pressing C.
- For Mac users, hold Command and Shift while pressing C.
- On PS3 and Xbox, simultaneously hold down all four shoulder buttons. Once activated, you are ready to enter your desired cheat code.
It’s also important to note that if you want to modify friendships, traits, teleport, or change careers, you must first enter the “testingcheatsenabled true” code. This code unlocks editing options by clicking on the desired object or Sim.
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Sims 3 Cheat Codes for Money
Money is an essential aspect of Sims 3, as it allows you to buy your Sims everything they need to live a comfortable life. If you find yourself short on cash, several Sims 3 cheat codes can help you out:
- motherlode – This cheat code gives you 50,000 Simoleons instantly.
- kaching – This cheat code gives you 1,000 Simoleons.
- rosebud – Grants you 1,000 Simoleons
- familyfunds [lastname] [amount] – This cheat code allows you to modify the amount of money a specific family has. Replace “[lastname]” with the name of the family you want to modify and “[amount]” with the desired amount of money.
- freerealestate – Ignore the cost when buying a house. It gets you any house you want.
Sims 3 Cheat Codes for Skills
In Sims 3, your Sims have a range of skills they can develop to improve at various tasks. If you want to boost your Sims’ skills quickly, there are several cheat codes you can use:
- stats.set_skill_level [skillname] [level] – This cheat code allows you to set any skill to any desired level. Simply replace “[skillname]” with the name of the skill you want to modify (such as “cooking” or “guitar”), and replace “[level]” with the desired skill level.
- unlockOutfits [on/off] – This cheat code allows you to unlock special outfits normally unavailable in the game.
- ResetSim [First Name] [Last Name] – This cheat code resets a Sim
- unlockCareerRewards – This cheat code will unlock all career rewards for the selected Sim
- set age [number] – Set age of the Sim
- ageuptonpc on – Ages up a Sim into a non-controllable NPC who lives in your household.
- modify traits – Set or clear a Sims’s traits
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Sims 3 Cheat Codes for Needs

Image Credit: EA
In Sims 3, your Sims have needs they must fulfil to stay healthy and happy. If you find it challenging to manage all of these needs manually, several cheat codes can help you out:
- testingCheatsEnabled true – This cheat code allows you to manually modify your Sims’ needs. Simply shift-click on your Sim and select “Make All Happy” to fill up all of their needs.
- buydebug – This cheat code allows you to buy items not ordinarily available in buy mode, such as tombstones and mausoleums.
- make happy – Sets all mood/moodlets for everyone in the house to perfect; removes negative moodlets
- shazaam – +2,500 lifetime happiness points to active Sim
- make motivates static – set motives to static for the entire household
- make motivates dynamic – set motives to dynamic for the entire household
Sims 3 Cheat Codes for Relationships
Enhance relationships in your Sims world with the following cheat codes for Sims 3:
- make me know everyone – Selected Sim knows every other Sim
- make friends for me – Make several random friends for selected Sim
- force visitor – forces a neighbour to show up
- add to household – add active Sim to current household
Read More: Go retro and unlock The Sims 1 cheat codes
Sims 3 Environment and Object Cheat Codes
These cheat codes for Sims 3 enable you to make changes to the environment and objects around you:
- constrainFloorElevation [true/false] – Enables terrain modification
- setQuarterTilePlacement [on/off] – Enables quarter tile placement
- moveObjects [on/off] – Allows you to move objects anywhere, even outside the grid. You can use this to create unique and exciting structures and designs.
- snapobjectstoangle [true|false] – Toggle 45-degree angle object snap
- snapobjectstogrid [true|false] – Toggle snap to grid for placed objects
Sims 3 Miscellaneous Cheats
If you’re looking to add-in more humour to your play sessions, you should try out these cheats:
- enableLlamas [on/off] – Enables or disables the “llama” cheat dialogue
- jokeplease – Print random joke to console
Sims 3 UI and World Cheats
These cheats allow you to modify the user interface of the game during your play session:
- hideHeadlineEffects [on/off] – Hides all thought and speech bubbles
- disablesnappingtoslotsonalt [on|off] – Objects will not snap to slots while holding Alt
- fadeobjects [on|off] – Objects fade when the camera gets close to them
- hideheadlineeffects [on|off] – Show or hide talk/thought balloons above Sim’s head
- slowmotionviz: [0-8] – Slow motion visuals; 0 is normal, 8 is slowest
- Seasons – Enable weather control in the game
- fullscreen [on/off] – Toggles fullscreen
Read More: Before you go, check out our guide for The Sims 2 cheat codes
Using Cheat Codes for Sims 3 Responsibly
While cheat codes can be a fun way to spice up your Sims 3 gameplay, using them responsibly is essential. Cheating too much can take away the challenge and fun of the game, so use them sparingly. Also, remember that using cheat codes can sometimes cause glitches or errors in the game, so save your progress often.
Sims 3 cheat codes are an excellent way to enhance your gaming experience and add a new level of excitement to the game. We hope this list of cheats has been helpful, and we encourage you to explore all of the cheats available in the game and tips from other gaming guides to unlock even more fun and excitement.