Golden Guardians

A fresh start

The Golden Guardians competitive League of Legends team formed recently, in November 2017. The organisation came into effect after the team successfully acquired a NA LCS position in the newly formed league. After acquiring the multi-million dollar slot, they signed and unveiled their entire roster to the public in mid-December. This operation was spearheaded by the Golden State Warriors assistant General Manager, Kirk Lacob.


As a new team, the roster is composed of both experience and less experienced players, in and out of the typical NA LCS scene.

Golden Guardians Roster (Main)

Currently, the Golden Guardians roster is made up of 5 players (no substitutes). While not all players come from the same teams, there is pre-exsiting synergy between a few members. Lourlo and Matt both transferred from Team Liquid’s starting roster, as established players. It comes as no surprise the Golden Guardians picked up this dynamic duo.

While both Contractz and Hai did play with mega team Cloud9,  there seems to be little synergy between the two, even though the pair had played alongside each other on Cloud9’s challenger team, and received similar training within the Cloud9 main roster.


Having Jungle and Mid synergy is extremely important, as this will increase the chances of successful ganks, later leading to more frequent roams and overall map priority.

Roster 2018:

Top – Lourlo
Jungler – Contractz
Mid – Hai
ADC – Deftly
Support – Matt

There are five other staff members supporting the players; the two most involved with the roster being Head Coach ‘Akiri’ and Assistant Coach ‘Real’.

Golden Guardians Academy

golden-guardians-academy-playersGoing into the new 2018 League system, teams are expected to have an academy line-up. The intention her is to train upcoming players and allow substitutes for the main team. The freshly formed Golden Guardians is no exception, signing the academy players alongside the main team in mid-December of 2017.

Academy Roster 2018:

Top – (to be decided)
Jungler – Potluck
Mid – bobqin
ADC – (to be decided)
Support – Xpecial

Who is the Golden Guardians owner?

The team is owned by the Golden State Warriors, a prominent force in the National Basketball Association, aka, the NBA. Narrowing this question down to a single person, the ‘owner’ can be considered Joe Lacob, the biggest shareholder of the group.

Where you can find the Golden Guardians?

You can find all the latest news regarding GG on the Golden Guardians Twitter page and the Golden Guardians Facebook page. Keep up to date with what the fans are saying on the team’s Reddit page which mainly features post-game discussions.